Statement on defense of unjustly detained Mr. Václav Pavlát
On 29.10.2017, Cambodian police detained and placed Czech citizen Vaclav “Wendi” Pavlat to the investigation custody and accused him from sexual abuse of underaged Cambodian girl. We, who know Mr. Pavlat as a decent and honorable man, herewith declare that we stand strongly behind him and we consider all accusations as untrue and purposeful. We herewith ask all media, to use only verified sources, while informing about his case and strictly avoid one sided biased informations. We also herewith request Czech government, Ministry of foreign affairs and other organisations to do maximum in their power to return Mr. Pavlat home in the Czech Republic as soon as possible. Attached is the full describtion of the case. There is a public donation opened at the moment for the defense of Mr. Pavlat, about which we will inform continuously.
Undersigned on 6.11.2017:
Pavel Bergman, blogger and webmaster
Otakar Veverka, photographer and guide
Pavel Zvolánek, journalist and guide
Jan Folda, entrepreneur
Sangdao Folda, masseuse
Ing. Josef Brožík, guide
Brano Gerzo, entrepreneur
Jaroslav Jirásek, entrepreneur
Věra Jirásková, manager
Jiří Chválek, owner of travel agency
Jana Chválková, accountant
Jiří Chválek, production coordinator
Markéta Chválková, clerk
Matěj Chválek, marketing
Nikol Herzánová, student
Radim Chválek, welder
Petra Chválková, clerk
Vladimír Remeník, pensioner
Jana Remeníková, manager
Václav Chmelenský, director
Jiří Šafránek, entrepreneur
Tamara Šafránková, tax advisor
Nikola Hessová, housewife
Eleni Ganačosová, caregiver
Sascha Ortmaier, locksmith
Vangelis Ganačos, pensioner
Milan Osecký, electrician
Eva Osecká, registrar of the regional court
Přemysl Osecký, technician
Pavel Musil, designer
Vitězslav Hrubec, service technician
Vendula Hejčlová, accountant
Ladislav Starý, entrepreneur
Zdeněk Bláha, entrepreneur
Jaromír Majer, entrepreneur
Marek Kan Zluky, entrepreneur
Petr Sejkora, salesman of luxury cars
Martina Ledvinková, cook
Jiří Ledvinka, mason
Sandra Ledvinková, cook
Radek Ledvinka, fireman
Tomáš Černý, pensioner
Karel Mauer, waiter
Zdeňka Vavřínová, entrepreneur
Ing. Stanislav Vavřín, entrepreneur
Radek Lukeš, sales executive
Michal Váňa, labourer
Vilaiporn Lorthaisong, waitress
Miroslava Lettrichová, entrepreneur
Jozef Tkáčik, entrepreneur
Václav Marvánek, entrepreneur
Marie Marvánková, entrepreneur
Ľubomír Šoltis, manager
Daniel Remenar, cameraman
Jiří Pavliš, uranium melter
Attachment: Full describtion of the Vaclav Pavlat case – 4 pages (click on link)